Monday, April 5, 2010

The Value of Innocence

Innocence is such a rarity these days. I consider it a blessing that my children are, for the most part, innocent. They live in the world but as a homeschooling mom I have been able to prevent some of the worst parts of it from being a part of their world. And I am glad of this.

Still I hear from many who disagree. I have been told that letting my children live in innocence longer is keeping them in a bubble. That they need to "experience" life or bullies or hear vulgar language or watch a wider range of shows so that they can be ready for life. I do not understand this mentality.

Today, I shared in the sadness that came with an unplanned loss of innocence for a friend's children. They were spending the night with friends... and there were exposed to a pornographic movie. These children were 10. And my heart was breaking right along with their mother's.

Innocence lost can never really be returned. Those images stick. They can not see what should be the loving and wonderful gift of marriage in quite the same way... their understanding is tainted. What is lost can not be found again... except by God's grace. Now, I will not be so melodramatic as to say that these children are doomed. Of course not. God is merciful. They are being raised with Biblical values. They will come to a new understanding. But right now.. I am sad for this family.. and for all the other children who have been effected by our overly violent and sexual and immoral society.

Children are being forced to fit somehow what they know from God with what they see on tv or hear in the schoolyard. This is a difficult balance for most adults I know. How much more so for children. And how unfair!

My prayer for my children is that they would be firmly rooted in their faith before facing such challenges... that they would have a long time of innocence before it is forever taken away. There is much time ahead to realize fully that the world is a yucky place... let them live in the warmth and joy of home and church and friendships so that they know what CAN be! God does not want us to roll around in that muck.. and we do not have to. The quiet joys and pleasures of life bring much more than the dark pleasures of the world. (And as a former unbeliever I am very aware of both... much to my regret.)

Innocence is all too rare... but I believe it is worth fighting for.